10 Possible Causes of Ankle Pain and When to See a Podiatrist

We've all been there — that unexpected ankle pain disrupting our usual flow. During these times, each step feels a bit more challenging. 

Sometimes, a twist or a grumpy Achilles tendon can cause it. Yet, there's a bit more to the story. Who knew that a pesky infection could be a culprit, too? 

Finding relief could mean anything from kicking back for a bit or seeking a pro's advice. Catching the culprit is the key. So, let's get to the bottom of that pain mystery and start moving without the ache!

ankle pain

1. Sprains: A Common Culprit 

Sprains are one of the leading causes of outside ankle pain. They occur when the ligaments supporting the ankle stretch too far after a sudden twist or turn. Stretching can cause pain and swelling, making putting weight on the ankle hard. 

To effectively manage sprains, it's crucial to take proper care. Medical experts also suggest doing RICE — Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate.

2. Rheumatoid Arthritis: When Joints Face Autoimmune Challenges

Rheumatoid arthritis is a health condition that affects the joints, including those in our ankles. Patients with this condition may experience ankle pain when walking. 

RA in the ankle causes stiffness, swelling, and discomfort, making moving hard. Medical professionals can easily diagnose this condition with physical examinations. The common symptoms include low-grade fever, weight loss, and fatigue.

3. Gout: The Crystal Culprit Behind the Pain

Gout is a form of arthritis that happens when uric acid crystals build up in joints, including ankles. The buildup can cause sudden, intense pain. Swelling and redness often accompany the pain. Managing gout involves dietary tweaks, lifestyle changes, and medications. 

4. Lupus: An Immune System Challenge Hitting Ankles

See a doctor immediately if you experience fever, hair loss, and sudden ankle pain without injury or swelling. It could be a serious condition called lupus.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that affects our joints, including the ones in the ankles. It usually comes with symptoms from fatigue and skin rashes to joint pain. Treatment involves medications to control symptoms and tackle the autoimmune response.

5. Ankle Fracture: When Structure Takes a Hit

Ankle fractures can happen when there is a strong force or impact on the ankle. They can range from mild to severe. 

These fractures deliver immediate and intense inner ankle pain, swelling, and bruising. Proper healing demands prompt medical attention, which may involve casting or surgical intervention. 

Post-treatment or rehabilitation may be helpful to restore mobility and strength. It emphasizes the need for quick action to prevent complications like misalignment and prolonged pain.

6. Flat Feet: Weighing Down on Ankles

Flat feet are the parts where our foot arches collapse. When the weight distribution of our body changes, it strains the ankles and nearby structures. As a result, one feels discomfort or inside ankle pain. 

Those with flat feet may seek custom orthotics and supportive footwear. They may also try foot arch-strengthening exercises. Addressing flat feet alleviates the pain and prevents long-term issues.

7. Bursitis: When the Ankle's Cushion Gets Inflamed

Bursitis is the inflammation of fluid-filled sacs cushioning joints. It usually happens in the ankle area. In this condition, the bursa between the Achilles tendon and the skin feels the heat. This inflammation leads to swelling and pain in the back of the ankle above the heel. 

Standard care involves rest, using ice, and taking anti-inflammatory drugs. In more serious cases, experts perform drainage or corticosteroid injections.

8. Achilles Tendinitis: Tackling Inflammation in Tendons

Achilles Tendinitis is an Achilles tendon inflammation that connects the calf muscles to our heel bone. It usually begins with a mild ache after strenuous activities. However, sudden activity boosts can strain the tendon, resulting in pain. 

Initial treatments involve active measures like rest, ice, and stretching exercises. You may need physical therapy if the inside and outside ankle pain continues. You may also require surgery to fix the tendon.

9. Scleroderma: A Rare Challenge for Ankles

Scleroderma is a rare disorder that tightens our skin and joints, including the ankles. This condition brings on pain, stiffness, and challenges in moving around. 

Experts may need to work together to manage scleroderma symptoms effectively. Rheumatologists and podiatrists often collaborate on treatment plans.

10. Infection: An Uncommon Yet Serious Pain Source

Infections in the joint or nearby tissues can cause lateral ankle pain and discomfort. Cellulitis, osteomyelitis, or septic arthritis are potential complications of these infections. 

Getting medical help is important to diagnose and treat the infection. Patients may need antibiotics, and doctors may recommend the drainage procedure. Ignoring signs of infection can cause severe complications and damage your joints in the long term.

ankle pain

When to See a Professional

It's important to know when to see a podiatrist so they can diagnose and treat you on time. To understand why seeking professional advice for foot health is important, let's look at the key indicators.

  • pain and swelling

  • numbness

  • balance issues

  • heel or ankle bone pain

  • inflamed skin or yellow nails

Step into Comfort with Foot & Ankle Centers!

Our feet carry us through every step, and listening when they signal distress is crucial. Foot & Ankle Centers is your guiding partner in this journey. We offer expert care and tailored solutions for your foot needs. 

We help with pain, swelling, and balance issues. We also address foot discomfort problems to keep you comfortable and healthy. 

So, step into a world of expert care with Foot & Ankle Centers. Bid goodbye to ankle pain and say hello to lasting foot comfort and vitality.

Contact us today and experience foot comfort like no other!

Foot and Ankle Centers