The Most Important Things to Know About Diabetic Foot Ulcer

A diabetic foot ulcer ranks among the most prevalent complications faced by individuals with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. They typically arise due to subpar foot care, peripheral vascular disease, underlying neuropathy, or inadequate glycemic control. 

These ulcers are often linked to the development of osteomyelitis in the foot and even the need for lower extremity amputations. They tend to manifest in areas of the foot subject to repetitive pressure and trauma.

The primary infective organism associated with these ulcers is Staphylococcus. Given its chronic nature, the most effective approach involves an interprofessional approach. 

Diabetic Foot Ulcer

Diabetic Foot Pain: What Is This Condition?

Around 15 percent of diabetes patients have this condition, which is essentially an open sore or wound. It often appears on the underside of the foot. Among those who experience this, around six percent might need hospitalization due to complications like infection.

In the United States, diabetes is the primary cause of nontraumatic lower extremity amputations. Shockingly, 14 to 24 percent of diabetes patients who grapple with a foot ulcer eventually require amputation. Despite these alarming statistics, research has indicated that a diabetic foot infection can be prevented.

Collaborative participation from a team including an infectious disease specialist, vascular surgeon, primary care physician, endocrinologist, and podiatrist yields the most favorable outcomes.

Who is Most Likely to Develop this Condition?

This type of foot ulcer can develop in anyone with diabetes. However, specific demographics have a higher likelihood of experiencing them. Hispanics, African Americans, Native Americans, and older people are more likely to develop this condition. 

Additionally, factors like being overweight, consuming alcohol, and using tobacco contribute to the increased likelihood of diabetic foot ulcer development. Individuals who rely on insulin for diabetes management are at elevated risk, as are those with diabetes-related kidney, eye, and heart conditions.

How Do You Develop this Condition?

Over the course of many years, individuals with diabetes can develop neuropathy, a condition characterized by reduced or complete loss of sensation in the feet due to nerve damage incurred from prolonged high blood glucose levels. 

Interestingly, this nerve damage might occur without causing any pain, leaving individuals unaware of the issue. A straightforward and painless test using a tool called a monofilament can help your podiatric physician assess for neuropathy.

Diabetic foot ulcers come about as a result of multiple factors converging. These include diminished sensation in the foot, impaired circulation, foot deformities, sources of irritation like friction or pressure, traumatic events, and the duration of diabetes. 

Vascular disease can complicate foot ulcers by hampering the body's natural healing processes and increasing susceptibility to infections. Elevated blood glucose levels can also impede the body's ability to fight potential infections and slow down the healing process.

What’s the Value of Treating the Condition?

Recognizing the significance of treating the early stage of diabetic foot ulcer, it's crucial to seek prompt podiatric medical attention as soon as it is detected. Treating foot ulcers in individuals with diabetes holds several key benefits:

Reducing the Risk of Infection and Amputation

Timely treatment helps mitigate the risk of infection, a major concern for diabetes-related foot ulcers. Conditions can escalate rapidly due to compromised healing capabilities in diabetes patients. Effective treatment not only addresses the existing ulcer but also lowers the likelihood of amputation, a serious consequence that can result from uncontrolled infections.

Enhancing Function and Quality of Life

Proper treatment of diabetic foot symptoms can help preserve the functionality of the affected foot, enabling patients to maintain their mobility and overall quality of life. By addressing the ulcer, patients are more likely to avoid complications that could hinder their daily activities.

Lowering Healthcare Costs

Effective management and treatment of this foot condition can contribute to reduced healthcare costs in the long run. Preventing complications, infections, and potential amputations through early intervention can lessen the need for more extensive and costly medical procedures.

Seeking treatment for diabetic foot ulcers is essential to prevent severe complications, maintain functionality, and reduce healthcare expenditures. The primary objective when treating a foot ulcer is to facilitate swift healing, minimizing the risk of infection.

Effective treatment of a foot ulcer involves several crucial elements:

Infection Prevention

Preventing infection is a top priority. It can involve the use of antibiotics, especially if an infection is detected. Your podiatric physician will determine the appropriate course of action based on your condition.

Off-Loading Pressure

Relieving pressure from the affected area, known as "off-loading," is essential for healing. This diabetic foot infection treatment might involve using specialized footwear, casts, or orthotic devices to reduce pressure on the ulcer, promoting faster recovery.


The removal of dead skin and tissue, known as "debridement," helps create a conducive environment for healing. It can be done through various methods, including surgical, mechanical, enzymatic, or autolytic debridement.

Dressing and Medication

Applying appropriate dressings and medications to the ulcer aids in healing and prevents infection. Your healthcare provider will determine the best dressing and medication regimen based on the specific characteristics of your ulcer.

Blood Glucose Management

Keeping blood glucose levels under control is crucial for effective diabetic foot care. Properly managed blood glucose levels enhance the body's natural healing processes.

Management of Health Conditions

Addressing other health problems that might hinder healing, such as cardiovascular issues, is vital. An integrated approach that considers overall health is essential for successful ulcer treatment.

It's important to note that not all ulcers are infected. If an infection is diagnosed by your podiatric physician, a comprehensive treatment plan involving antibiotics, wound care, and potential hospitalization will be recommended to address the infection and promote healing.

diabetic foot ulcer

Get Treated by Experienced Diabetic Foot Care Doctors

At Foot and Ankle Centers, we recognize the significant toll that foot pain can take on your daily life. Our commitment lies in providing a thorough assessment and treatment approach, encompassing customized orthotics and tailored physical therapy solutions. 

With a team comprising skilled podiatrists, we are dedicated to pinpointing the precise origins of your foot ailment and devising a personalized strategy aimed at alleviating your discomfort.

If you're grappling with a diabetic foot ulcer, never hesitate. Reach out to us without delay to arrange an appointment. Our warm and informed staff is readily available to address any inquiries and facilitate your return to the activities that bring you joy.

Foot and Ankle Centers